Example Dissertation Proposals

Example Dissertation Proposals

When it comes to writing a successful dissertation, one of the most important tasks is to create a comprehensive proposal. This proposal should be specific, contain all the necessary sections, and fully outline the problem you will be investigating. In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing an effective dissertation proposal, using examples to illustrate the key points.

The first section of your proposal should be the abstract. This is a brief summary of your dissertation, including the background, the problem you are studying, and the methods you will use to investigate it. The abstract should provide a clear and explicit overview of your study, so be sure to specify the main questions you will be asking and the goals you hope to achieve.

Next, you will need to provide a background for your study. This section should describe the current state of research on your topic and explain why your study is needed. It should also show how your study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge and explain the significance of your research. You can use figures and other visual aids to illustrate key points and make the background section more engaging.

After the background section, you will need to outline the specific topics you will be investigating. This section should include a summary of the articles and studies you have reviewed, as well as any other sources you have consulted. Be sure to specify what you have learned from each source and how it relates to your study. This will help you demonstrate that you have done a thorough search and are familiar with the relevant literature.

In the methods section, you will describe the study/research design and procedures you will be using to investigate the problem. This section should outline the participant selection process, the measures you will use to obtain data, and any other relevant details. It is important to be explicit about your methods so that other researchers can replicate your study if needed.

Key Elements of a Successful Proposal

1. Background and Significance

The background section of your proposal states the problem or topic that you will be studying. It provides a brief overview of the research question and states why it is worth investigating. The significance of your study should also be highlighted, showing how it contributes to the existing body of knowledge.

2. Literature Review

A literature review helps to provide a context for your study and demonstrates your knowledge of the existing research in the field. It should look at related studies and their outcomes, and outline any gaps or limitations that your proposed study will address.

3. Research Design and Procedures

This section outlines how you will carry out your study/research. It should provide details on the design and methodology you will use, including any data collection methods and analysis techniques. This section should also contain a timeline of activities and any ethical considerations.

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4. Proposed Results and Outcomes

Here, you’ll provide an overview of the expected results and outcomes of your study. This can include any specific hypotheses or research questions that you will be testing, as well as the potential impact of the findings.

5. Appendices

Any additional information that helps support your proposal can be included in the appendices. This can include tables, charts, or other informative materials that provide further evidence for your study.

By following these guidelines and including the key elements discussed above, you’ll be well on your way to writing a successful dissertation proposal. Remember to consult with your supervisor or academic advisor throughout the process to receive feedback and ensure that your proposal meets all necessary requirements.

Research Objectives and Questions

The research objectives are what you want to achieve with your study. They are quite specific and outline the desired outcomes of your research. For example, if your research topic is about online dating and loneliness, one of your research objectives could be to explore the impact of online dating on individuals experiencing loneliness.

The research questions, on the other hand, help to narrow down the focus of your study and provide a framework for your research. They are the specific questions that you want to answer through your research. For example, some research questions for the topic of online dating and loneliness could be:

1. How does online dating affect the feelings of loneliness among individuals aged 25-35?

This question aims to understand whether online dating has a positive or negative impact on loneliness among a specific age group.

2. What are the common reasons why people use online dating apps?

This question explores the motivations behind the use of online dating apps and whether they can help alleviate or exacerbate feelings of loneliness.

By clearly stating your research objectives and formulating research questions, you provide a structure and focus to your dissertation proposal. These objectives and questions will guide your research design and data collection procedures, ensuring that you stay on track and gather relevant information to answer your research questions.

It is worth mentioning that research objectives and questions may evolve as you progress with your study. As you analyze your data and gain a deeper understanding of your research topic, you may need to revise and refine your objectives and questions. This flexibility allows you to adapt your study and ensure that it remains relevant and informative.

Here’s an example of how the research objectives and questions could be included in a dissertation proposal:

Research Objectives:

  1. To examine the impact of online dating on individuals experiencing loneliness
  2. To identify the common reasons why people use online dating apps

Research Questions:

  1. How does online dating affect the feelings of loneliness among individuals aged 25-35?
  2. What are the common reasons why people use online dating apps?

By including these objectives and questions in your dissertation proposal, you demonstrate that you have a clear understanding of your research topic and a well-structured plan to address the research gaps within the subject.

It is important to note that the research objectives and questions should always be aligned with the stated background and context of your study. They should also be feasible and achievable within the timeframe and resources available.

By following these guidelines and having well-defined research objectives and questions, you can ensure that your dissertation proposal is both informative and interesting to your target audience. It helps the reader understand the purpose and significance of your study and sets the stage for the rest of your research.

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Methodology and Data Collection

Research Design

The proposed research design for this dissertation will be quantitative in nature. By using a quantitative approach, we aim to gather numerical data that can be analyzed statistically to answer the research questions and achieve the desired outcomes. This research design is suitable for investigating the specific research problem and providing a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Data Collection

To collect the necessary data for this dissertation, a structured survey questionnaire will be utilized. The survey will be developed and modified based on the research objectives and the specific topics covered in the literature review. This survey will be designed to gather data related to the consumer’s perception and experiences with online dating services, specifically focusing on the significance and outcomes of using such services.

The survey will be distributed electronically using an online survey platform, ensuring easy access for participants and efficient data collection. The target population for this study will be Malaysian adults aged 18 and above who have used online dating services. The recruitment of participants will be done through various channels, such as social media platforms, online forums, and email lists. The survey will be open-ended and will contain both closed-ended and open-ended questions to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

The data collected through the survey will be analyzed using appropriate statistical methods, such as descriptive statistics and regression analysis. Through these analyses, we aim to investigate the relationship between various factors and how they influence the consumers’ perception and outcomes of using online dating services.

Expected Outcomes and Contributions

The study will use quantitative research methods to measure the impact of different language learning courses and services on student satisfaction and language proficiency. By analyzing the data collected, the research will identify the most effective strategies and procedures that can be implemented within the Malaysian education system to enhance language learning outcomes.

Research Questions

The study will address the following research questions:

  1. How do current language courses in Malaysia cater to the needs of learners?
  2. What are the limitations of existing language learning services in Malaysia?
  3. What strategies and services can be proposed to improve language learning outcomes?

The expected outcomes of this study are twofold. Firstly, it will provide a comprehensive analysis of the current state of language learning in Malaysia and highlight the areas that need improvement. Secondly, it will propose practical recommendations that can be implemented to address the identified limitations and enhance language learning outcomes.

The contributions of this dissertation will be valuable for policymakers, educators, and language learning institutions in Malaysia. The research findings will provide insights into the factors that influence language learning and suggest effective strategies for improving language courses and services. Moreover, the proposed recommendations can serve as a guide for future initiatives aimed at enhancing the language learning experience in Malaysia.


What is a dissertation proposal?

A dissertation proposal is a document that outlines the research project a student intends to undertake as part of their doctoral program. It includes a detailed description of the research question, a review of existing literature, a methodology section, and a plan for data analysis.

What should be included in a dissertation proposal?

A dissertation proposal should include a title, an introduction, a statement of the problem or research question, a review of relevant literature, a methodology section, a timeline, and a bibliographic list of sources.

How long should a dissertation proposal be?

The length of a dissertation proposal can vary depending on the specific requirements of an academic institution. However, it is typically recommended to keep the proposal between 15-20 pages in length.

What is the purpose of a dissertation proposal?

The purpose of a dissertation proposal is to demonstrate to the academic community the significance and feasibility of a research project. It also allows the student to seek feedback and guidance from their advisor before embarking on the actual dissertation writing process.

Alex Koliada, PhD

By Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for studying aging, genetics, and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics. His scientific research has been published in the most reputable international magazines. Alex holds a BA in English and Comparative Literature from the University of Southern California, and a TEFL certification from The Boston Language Institute.