How to Write Times in an Essay: Tips and Guidelines

How to Write Times in an Essay: Tips and Guidelines

When it comes to essay-writing, there are many rules and guidelines that you need to follow in order to ensure that you’re correctly and effectively communicating your ideas. One topic that often sparks confusion is how to write times within your essay. Should you use numerals or spell out the time in words? Are there exceptions to the rules? In this article, we will answer those questions and provide you with tips and examples on how to write times in an essay.

First and foremost, it’s important to note that there are different rules for writing times depending on whether you’re writing in American English or British English. In American English, it’s the norm to use the 12-hour clock system, while in British English, the 24-hour clock system is normally used. For example, if you want to express the time 9 o’clock in the evening, you would write it as “9 p.m.” in American English and “21:00” in British English.

When it comes to writing the time as a complete phrase, there are a few general rules to follow. For example, you should not use dashes (-) to separate the hours and minutes unless you’re specifically instructed to do so. Instead, you should use a colon (:) between the hours and minutes. For instance, if you want to write the time 4:30, you would not write it as “4-30” but rather as “4:30”.

In some situations, you might need to spell out the time in words rather than using numerals. For example, if you’re writing an essay that discusses specific events held at certain times, you might need to write phrases such as “The event will be held on Thursday at five o’clock in the evening.” In this case, it’s best to opt for using words to express the time to ensure clarity and to avoid confusion.


In the world of essay writing, there are rules and guidelines to follow when it comes to using numbers and times correctly. However, there are some exceptions that you should be aware of. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

Days of the Week

When writing the days of the week, you should normally spell them out. For example, ‘Monday’ instead of ‘Mon.’ However, if you are writing a timed essay and need to save space, you can use abbreviations such as ‘Mon.’ or ‘Thurs.’


In English essay writing, the date should be written in the format of “month, day, year.” For example, “May 5, 2022.” However, in British English, the day and the month are sometimes switched. So, in that case, it would be “5 May 2022.”

24-Hour Clock

If you are writing an essay and need to write times in the 24-hour clock format, such as “9:00,” you should use a colon to separate the hours and minutes. For example, “9:30.”

Now, let’s talk about some more specific situations that might arise:

When to Use Numerals

Most of the time, numbers should be spelled out in an essay, such as “five” instead of “5.” However, there are certain situations where it is more appropriate to use numerals. For example, when discussing statistics or percentages. In general, use your judgment and consider the specific context to determine whether numbers or numerals are more appropriate.

Dashes and Hyphens

In essay writing, dashes are mainly used to set off additional information or to indicate a break in thought. Hyphens, on the other hand, are used to join words together or to indicate a range. For example, “the essay-writing tips” or “9-5 job.”

Remember, the above examples are some common exceptions to the rules. If you’re unsure about how to correctly write times, numbers, or dates in your essay, one of the best ways to answer your questions is to reach out to your professor for clarification. They will be able to provide you with specific guidelines for the essay topic you’re working on, ensuring that you ace the essay-writing game every time!

In an essay when do you spell out numbers and when do you use numerals?

Spelling out numbers:

In general, it is advisable to spell out numbers from one to nine in an essay. For example, you would write “five,” “nine,” or “three” instead of using the numerals 5, 9, or 3. This is the standard practice in English essay-writing, and it helps to maintain consistency throughout your work.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. In some cases, you may use numerals instead of spelling out the numbers. Here are a few situations where using numerals would be appropriate:

1. 24-hour time: When writing about specific times, such as “9:00” or “15:30,” it is more common to use numerals instead of spelling out the numbers. This is especially true when discussing timed events or schedules.

2. Dates and days: When referring to dates and days of the week, it is generally acceptable to use numerals. For example, you would write “Thursday” or “6th January” instead of spelling out the entire date.

3. Numbers above nine: If a number is higher than nine and is not being used to start a sentence, it is common to use numerals. For example, you would write “25” instead of “twenty-five.”

Using dashes and hyphens:

Another important aspect to consider when writing numbers in an essay is the use of dashes and hyphens. British English and American English have different rules for their usage.

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In British English, a hyphen is used for compound numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine. For example, you would write “twenty-four” or “ninety-seven.” However, when using a number followed by the word “hundred,” a hyphen is not required. For instance, you would write “one hundred” without a hyphen.

In American English, a hyphen is not used in compound numbers. For example, you would write “twenty four” or “ninety seven.”


Correct Usage Incorrect Usage
There are 24 hours in a day. There are twenty-four hours in a day.
The event will be held on Thursday. The event will be held on 5th day of the week.
The concert begins at 9:00 PM. The concert begins at nine o’clock PM.


First and foremost, it’s important to note that there are differences between American English and British English when it comes to writing times. In American English, the 12-hour clock format is commonly used, while in British English, the 24-hour clock format is more popular. However, there are exceptions to these general rules, so it’s essential to know which format to use depending on the situation.

Let’s take a look at some examples to better understand how to write times correctly. For example, if an essay is about a specific date and time, you would typically write it as “On Thursday, September 9, the event will begin at 2:30 PM.” Notice the use of the comma before and after the date for clarity. Also, note the use of numerals for the time, followed by the appropriate AM or PM designation.

When writing times within the body of your essay, it’s generally recommended to use numerals instead of spelling them out. For instance, you would write “The meeting will be held from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM” rather than “The meeting will be held from nine o’clock in the morning to five o’clock in the afternoon.”

However, if you’re making a general statement or discussing a time without specific numbers, it’s acceptable to write it out in full. For example, you might write “In those days, people didn’t have access to 24-hour time.” Note that “twenty-four-hour” is hyphenated because it functions as an adjective.

When using dashes to indicate a range of time, such as “from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM,” make sure there are spaces on both sides of the dash for clarity.

It’s also important to be consistent in your usage throughout your essay. If you choose to use numerals for one instance, continue doing so for the rest of the essay unless there’s a specific reason to switch. Similarly, if you choose to spell out numbers below a certain threshold, maintain that consistency.

In some cases, your professor or the specific essay guidelines might provide instructions on how to write times, so be sure to read those carefully and follow them accordingly. If you’re still unsure about certain situations or have additional questions, check the FAQ section or consult with your professor for clarification.

How to write the time

When it comes to writing the time in an essay, there are several rules and guidelines that you should follow. Here are some tips on how to write time correctly in various situations:

1. Use numerals: In general, it is preferred to use numerals instead of words when writing the time. For example, instead of writing “five o’clock in the afternoon,” you should write “5:00 PM.”

2. Use a colon: When writing the time, always use a colon to separate the hours and minutes. For example, 2:30 PM is the correct way to write half past two in the afternoon.

3. Use 24-hour format: In some situations, such as when writing about a 24-hour time format or when specifying exact timing, you may need to use the 24-hour format. For example, instead of writing 9:00 AM, you would write 09:00.

4. Write the date: If you are writing about a specific date and time, it is important to include the date as well. For example, you would write “Thursday, March 9, 2022, at 5:00 PM.”

5. Be consistent: Whatever format you choose, ensure to be consistent throughout your essay. Use the same format for all time references to avoid confusion.

6. Write out common phrases: In certain situations, it might be more appropriate to write out the time as a phrase rather than using numerals. For example, you can write “half past two in the afternoon” instead of “2:30 PM.”

7. Exceptions and special cases: There are some exceptions to the standard time-writing rules. For example, when writing about durations or intervals, you would use hyphens. For instance, you would write “9:00 AM-5:00 PM” to indicate working hours.

8. Consult your professor or style guide: If you are unsure about the specific rules and conventions to follow for writing time in your essay, it is always best to consult your professor or refer to the style guide recommended for your English course.

By following these tips and guidelines, you can ace your essay-writing and ensure that you write the time correctly in any given situation. Remember to read and double-check your essay to make sure the times are written consistently and accurately.


Q: Can I use the 24-hour time format in an essay?

A: Yes, you can use the 24-hour time format in an essay, especially when referring to specific timings or writing about a 24-hour time system.

Q: Should I write out the time in words or use numerals?

A: In general, it is recommended to use numerals for writing time. However, there may be certain situations where writing out the time as words is more appropriate, such as when emphasizing the specific time phrase.

Q: Are there any exceptions to the time-writing rules?

A: Yes, there are exceptions and special cases when writing time. For example, durations or intervals may be indicated using hyphens, and certain phrases may be written out rather than using numerals.


– Incorrect: The event will start around two thirty PM.

– Correct: The event will start at 2:30 PM.

– Incorrect: She woke up at 6 in the morning.

– Correct: She woke up at 6:00 AM.

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– Incorrect: The movie will be held on January twenty five.

– Correct: The movie will be held on January 25th.

– Incorrect: The flight departs at fifteen hundred hours.

– Correct: The flight departs at 15:00.

– Incorrect: The conference is from 9 AM to five PM.

– Correct: The conference is from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

– Incorrect: I have a meeting next week on 7/12.

– Correct: I have a meeting next week on July 12, 2022.


First and foremost, it’s important to note that there is a difference between American and British conventions when it comes to writing dates and times. In American English, the month is typically written before the day, while in British English, the day is written before the month.

For example, in American English, you might write: “On Thursday, November 9th, the event will be held.” Meanwhile, in British English, you would write: “On Thursday, 9th November, the event will be held.”

In both cases, it is important to write out the full month name and to use a comma between the day and the year.

When it comes to expressing time within an essay, there are a few rules and exceptions to keep in mind. In general, when using numerals, you would write “9 a.m.” or “3 p.m.” However, when writing out the time in full, you would write “nine o’clock in the morning” or “three o’clock in the afternoon.”

Here are a few examples to clarify:

  • Correct: The meeting will begin at 9 a.m.
  • Incorrect: The meeting will begin at nine a.m.
  • Correct: The movie is scheduled for 3 p.m.
  • Incorrect: The movie is scheduled for three p.m.

It’s also important to note that there are some exceptions to these rules. For instance, when discussing a 24-hour clock or military time, you would write the time using four digits without a colon. For example, “1400 hours” would be written to represent 2 p.m.

Sometimes, dashes can be used to indicate periods of time. For example, you might write: “The event will take place from 3-5 p.m.”

When faced with the question of how to write times in an essay, the answer will depend on the specific situation and the guidelines provided by your professor or institution. However, by following the general rules outlined above, you can ensure that you are presenting times correctly and effectively in your essay.

Again, it’s important to read the guidelines and instructions for your essay-writing assignment carefully, as there might be specific rules or exceptions that you need to follow.

If you’re still unsure about how to correctly write times in your essay, don’t hesitate to ask your professor for clarification. It’s better to ask for clarification than to make a mistake that could cost you points on your essay.

Remember to always proofread and edit your work to ensure that it is free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Taking the time to present your thoughts and ideas clearly and professionally will help you to ace your essay and receive the grade you deserve!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Times in Essays:

  • Q: Are there any other situations where the rules for writing times might be different?
  • A: Yes, there may be specific rules for writing times in certain topics or subjects. For example, in scientific or technical writing, you may need to use the 24-hour clock or include seconds when discussing precise measurements of time.
  • Q: Can I use dashes to separate times?
  • A: Yes, dashes can be used to indicate a range of time or duration. For example, “The workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.”

To conclude, when writing an essay, it is important to understand the rules and guidelines for writing dates and times. By following these rules and using examples, you can ensure that your essay is professional, clear, and error-free. Now, go ahead and start writing your timed essay, taking your time to provide well-structured and well-written answers.


  • Q: Do I need to write out the full time or can I just use numerals?
  • A: When writing times in an essay, it is common to use numerals. For example, you might write “9 AM” or “3:30 PM” instead of spelling out the numbers in full.

  • Q: How do I correctly write dates that include times?
  • A: If you need to include a specific time within a date, you can use dashes to separate the date and time. For example, “The meeting is scheduled for October 15th, 2022, from 2 PM – 5 PM.”

  • Q: When do I use AM and PM, and do I need to capitalize them?
  • A: It is important to use AM and PM to indicate morning and afternoon times. However, in most cases, you do not need to capitalize them, unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence.

  • Q: Are there any exceptions to the rules for writing times?
  • Q: How can I ensure that I am writing times correctly?

Remember, writing times in an essay is just one small aspect of good writing. By paying attention to details and following the rules, you can create a well-written essay that is easy for your readers to understand.


How should I write the time in an essay?

In an essay, you should write the time using numerals. For example, “The meeting will start at 9:00 am.”

What are the rules for writing the month and day in an essay?

When writing the month and day in an essay, you should use numerals and abbreviations. For example, “The event will take place on 05/10/2022.”

How should I write the year in an essay?

In an essay, you should write the year using numerals. For example, “The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776.”

Are there any exceptions to writing the date in an essay?

Yes, there are exceptions. For example, when writing the date in a formal essay or letter, you may choose to write out the date in full rather than using numerals. For example, “The conference will be held on the twenty-first of September, 2022.”

When do I spell out numbers in an essay and when do I use numerals?

In general, you should spell out numbers from one to ten and use numerals for numbers 11 and above in an essay. However, there may be specific style guides or requirements from your instructor that you should follow.

How do I write the time in an essay?

When writing the time in an essay, it is important to use the appropriate format. In American English, you can use either the 12-hour clock or the 24-hour clock system. For example, you can write “9:30 am” or “09:30” for 9:30 in the morning, and “2:45 pm” or “14:45” for 2:45 in the afternoon. It is important to be consistent with your chosen format throughout the essay.

Alex Koliada, PhD

By Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for studying aging, genetics, and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics. His scientific research has been published in the most reputable international magazines. Alex holds a BA in English and Comparative Literature from the University of Southern California, and a TEFL certification from The Boston Language Institute.