Improving Critical Writing for Postgraduate Taught Students: A Short Guide

Improving Critical Writing for Postgraduate Taught Students: A Short Guide

Welcome to our short guide on improving critical writing for postgraduate taught students! Critical writing is an essential skill that postgraduate students need to develop across various disciplines. It goes beyond description and offers an analytical perspective, allowing researchers to evaluate and synthesize existing research.

In this guide, we will help you understand the difference between descriptive and critical writing, providing examples and resources to assist you in building your criticality. We will also explore the specific elements that make a piece of writing critical and offer instructions on how to effectively use evidence, quoting, paraphrasing, and synthesising to strengthen your arguments.

One of the most important points to understand is that critical writing is not about criticizing others, but rather about analyzing and evaluating ideas and evidence. It functions as a persuasive tool, where you present your own perspective backed by logical reasoning and supported by reputable sources.

Throughout the guide, we will provide you with many examples and exercises to help you practice your critical writing skills. If you need further assistance, please visit our contact page to get in touch with us. We also offer training sessions and resources tailored to the specific needs of postgraduate taught students, so don’t hesitate to reach out!

So, whether you are working on your thesis or conducting research in your discipline, understanding how to write critically is crucial. It is through critical writing that you can contribute to your field of study and make a difference. So let’s get started on this journey to improve your critical writing skills!

What is critical writing?

In many disciplines, criticality is a key element of academic writing. It is the ability to analyze and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different arguments, theories, and research findings. Critical writing helps you to understand and engage with the existing literature in your field, and to build a strong and persuasive argument for your own ideas and research.

There are three main functions of critical writing:


Critical writing involves analyzing the key points and arguments in the existing literature. You need to critically evaluate the evidence, assess the logic of the arguments, and identify any biases or limitations in the research.


Critical writing also involves synthesizing information from multiple sources. Rather than simply summarizing each source individually, you need to integrate the ideas and evidence from various sources to build a coherent argument.


Finally, critical writing aims to persuade the reader of your own position. You need to present a clear and logical argument, supported by evidence and reasoning, in order to convince your audience of the validity of your ideas.

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When comparing critical writing to descriptive or purely informative writing, it is important to note the key differences. Descriptive writing focuses on providing detailed descriptions or explanations of a topic, while critical writing goes beyond this by offering an evaluation and analysis of the information. Critical writing is more than just stating facts; it requires you to engage with the material and provide your own perspective.

For example, when paraphrasing or quoting from other sources, you need to do more than just reproduce the information. You should analyze and evaluate the information, and explain how it supports or challenges your own argument. This helps to demonstrate your understanding of the material and your ability to critically engage with it.

In summary, critical writing is an important skill for postgraduate taught students. It involves analyzing, synthesizing, and persuasively presenting ideas and evidence. By developing your critical writing skills, you will be able to engage with the existing literature in your field, build a compelling argument for your own research, and contribute to the academic discourse. For further guidance and resources on critical writing, please visit your discipline-specific training sessions or contact us for more information.

Using evidence to build critical arguments

There are different ways to use evidence in your writing. One approach is to analyse and synthesise existing research. This involves comparing and contrasting the findings of different researchers in your field. Another approach is to use descriptive evidence, which provides a detailed account of a specific individual, group, or event.

When using evidence, it is important to consider the purpose and context of your writing. Descriptive evidence is mostly used in disciplines where understanding and describing phenomena are important, while analytical evidence is used in disciplines where criticality and synthesising information are key.


When it comes to improving critical writing skills, there are many resources available to postgraduate taught students. These resources can help students understand the difference between descriptive and critical writing, and provide guidance on how to develop their analytical skills.

Online Resources

One valuable resource is the online platform “Improving Critical Writing for Postgraduate Taught Students: A Short Guide”. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of critical writing, including examples and instructions on how to build persuasive arguments. It also offers tips on quoting, paraphrasing, and synthesising evidence from various sources.

Another useful resource is the forthcoming training sessions offered by the university. These sessions are discipline-specific and focus on helping students improve their criticality in writing. The sessions cover topics such as developing a thesis statement, using evidence effectively, and structuring arguments according to the needs of the specific discipline.

Individual Support

In addition to online resources and training sessions, individual support is also available to postgraduate students. If students need further assistance or have specific questions, they can contact their tutors or supervisors for guidance. These individuals can provide feedback on drafts, offer advice on improving critical writing skills, and help students understand the expectations of their specific research discipline.

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Furthermore, students can visit the university’s Writing Center, where they can receive one-on-one tutoring sessions. The Writing Center staff can help students with all aspects of critical writing, from understanding the basic elements to refining their arguments and improving their overall writing style.

Existing Resources

There are also many existing resources by other researchers and institutions that postgraduate students can turn to for help. Books, academic articles, and online guides all offer valuable insights into critical writing and can provide further examples and guidance.

Descriptive versus critical writing

For postgraduate taught students, developing critical writing skills is essential, as it demonstrates a higher level of criticality and analytical thinking. Critical writing shows the ability to evaluate different viewpoints, synthesize information from various sources, and present a well-supported argument or analysis. This is particularly important for students who are conducting research in their discipline, as critical writing helps to build a strong and cohesive argument that contributes to the existing body of knowledge.

One common mistake that students make is using descriptive writing when they should be using critical writing. To avoid this, students need to carefully read and follow the instructions provided by their instructors or supervisors. If specific guidance is not given, students should seek further help or resources, such as attending writing sessions or visiting their university’s writing center.

When writing critically, students should consider using evidence from their research, quoting and paraphrasing sources, and synthesizing information to support their arguments. Critical writing also involves presenting counterarguments or alternative viewpoints and providing a clear analysis or evaluation of these perspectives.

To better understand the difference between descriptive and critical writing, the table below summarizes the key points:

Descriptive Writing Critical Writing
Provides an overview or description Compares, analyzes, and evaluates
Presents a thesis or main argument
Relies on existing research or sources Uses evidence and examples to support
Presents information in a descriptive manner Engages in critical analysis and evaluation


What is the purpose of critical writing?

The purpose of critical writing is to analyze, interpret, and evaluate information or arguments. It goes beyond merely presenting facts or summarizing content, as it requires the writer to provide their own analysis and critique of the subject matter.

How is critical writing different from descriptive writing?

Critical writing involves examining and evaluating a topic or argument, whereas descriptive writing focuses on providing a detailed description or portrayal of a subject. Critical writing requires analytical thinking and the formation of arguments, while descriptive writing is more focused on objective observations.

What are some tips for improving critical writing skills?

Some tips for improving critical writing skills include: 1) developing a clear and focused argument, 2) critically evaluating sources of information, 3) providing evidence and examples to support arguments, 4) considering different perspectives and counterarguments, 5) organizing thoughts and ideas logically, and 6) revising and editing for clarity and coherence.

Can you give an example of a critical writing task for postgraduate students?

One example of a critical writing task for postgraduate students is analyzing a research article and evaluating its strengths and weaknesses. This may involve assessing the methodology used, identifying any biases or limitations, and discussing the implications of the findings. The student would need to provide their own interpretation and critique of the research.

Alex Koliada, PhD

By Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for studying aging, genetics, and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics. His scientific research has been published in the most reputable international magazines. Alex holds a BA in English and Comparative Literature from the University of Southern California, and a TEFL certification from The Boston Language Institute.