What Would Happen If the T-Rex Exist in Modern Times?

What Would Happen If the T-Rex Exist in Modern Times?

The Tyrannosaurus rex (“T-Rex”) is perhaps the most well-known dinosaur species. Its formidable stature, sharp teeth, and hunger for meat have made it a favorite dinosaur to depict in stories, movies, and theme park rides. You’ve also likely seen the T-Rex among children’s toys. Nicknamed the “tyrant lizard king,” the T-Rex itself ruled during the Cretaceous period, which is just one of the three time periods dinosaurs lived in. Like other non-bird dinosaurs of its time, the T-Rex died off after an asteroid forever changed the earth more than 66 million years ago.

While the T-Rex is long gone from Earth, the fascination with the dinosaur still lives on. Some people have even wondered what it would be like if dinosaurs like this carnivorous hunter were still around. The prospect of humans living alongside large dinosaurs like the T-Rex is considered hyperbole, but it’s still fascinating to imagine. This would of course raise many challenges and questions, including where the T-Rex might live, what it might eat, and how it might evolve.

The T-Rex might still live in western North America

To date, the majority of T-Rex fossils have been found in western North America. In fact, during the Cretaceous Period, the T-Rex lived in what is now modern-day Wyoming, Montana, and Alberta, Canada. Before settling in this region, researchers believe the dinosaur originally resided in Asia, which was also directly next to the North America region as part of “Laurasia” before Pangea started splitting into smaller continents 180 million years ago. (For context, the T-Rex was on Earth between 90 to 60 million years ago.) Since there’s no further indication of any extensive migratory patterns, chances are that the T-Rex might still live in western North America if it was still around today.

It is difficult to imagine some of these areas being built-up by humans who might otherwise want to steer clear of this carnivore. If the T-Rex did live in this region of North America today, chances are that human-built towns and cities would not be intentionally mixed in with the dinosaur’s territory. (Plus, unlike other human land development endeavors, chances are the T-Rex would likely put up a fight.) Also, while the areas of Montana and Wyoming are known for their dry climates and grassy regions, the area was most likely a floodplain when the T-Rex was around. It is unclear whether the dinosaur could have adapted to a drier climate of this nature.

Humans might be one part of the T-Rex’s diet

If you’re wondering whether a T-Rex might eat humans a ‘la Jurassic Park style, there could be some shred of truth in this movie franchise. Scientists know that the T-Rex was indeed a carnivorous species, and was also likely among one of the most feared meat-eaters due to its sheer size. Like any other species on Earth, the dinosaur likely ate whatever it could find that could fit in their diets, which consisted mostly of other smaller dinosaurs of the Cretaceous Period, as well as reptiles and amphibians. Given this fact, it could be assumed that humans could certainly have been on the menu, and might be hunted as a source of meat if the T-Rex were alive today.

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With that said, researchers also hypothesize that humans could have been just one food type the T-Rex might enjoy. It’s unlikely humans would be the large dinosaur’s sole source of food, and it is even less likely that humans would be hunted to extinction. If the T-Rex was alive today, they might also eat lizards, crocodiles, and small mammals in addition to the occasional human. It’s also worth noting that our early ancestors did have to contend with non-dinosaur species that ate humans, including the Komodo dragon, crocodiles, large cats, and other carnivores.

The T-Rex would be too large for humans to hunt for food

On the flipside, it is unlikely that humans would have hunted the T-Rex as a common food source. For one, the T-Rex hunted prety that were likely at least about 50 times the weight of a typical human adult. While our Ice Age ancestors could hunt the woolly mammoth, it would be more challenging to trap a T-Rex without some serious repercussions. It’s hard to imagine someone trying to hunt an animals standing at an estimated 12 feet and measuring 40 feet in length.

If humans were to eat T-Rex as a source of meat, it would likely be consumed in a number of different ways. Some scientists have also suggested that dinosaur meat could literally taste like chicken because of the close ancestry between modern-day birds and ancient dinosaurs. However, an affinity for T-Rex meat could also depend on the dinosaur’s muscle and fat ratios. Overall, carnivorous species like the T-Rex would likely not taste as good compared with a plant-eating dinosaurs, including long-necked dinosaurs.

With the right equipment, humans could escape a T-Rex

Any dinosaur movie showcasing an encounter between a T-Rex and human often shows the latter running for their life as the large carnivores hungrily chases after them. If such encounters were to occur today, the same scenario could play out. While perhaps not the fastest carnivorous species around, it’s estimated the T-Rex could walk at 15 miles per hour (mph), which is slower compared with other animals that can run fast, such as a horse. Nevertheless, the estimated walking speed of a T-Rex is much faster than the average human walking pace of between 2.5 and 4 mph, and still faster than what is considered an average running pace of 6 to 7 mph.

Still, all is not necessarily lost should a human accidentally encounter a T-Rex in modern times. For example, a human might certainly be able to escape a T-Rex via a motor vehicle. One might, in theory, also be able to escape on bike. Depending on terrain, an experienced cyclist can manage top speeds of between 15 and 19 mph. A key, of course, is being able to maintain this speed during a hypothetical chase.

The T-Rex would likely evolve in size, speed, and intelligence

Our understanding of the T-Rex is largely based on fossilized bones, trace fossils, and other scientific discoveries. Some of these details, including its large stature, quick walk, and notoriously small arms, have been translated to film and books. Like other species on Earth though, the T-Rex would likely undergo evolutionary changes over time to adapt to its environment. In other words, what we picture as the T-Rex living in modern times could really be anything but these depictions of its former 66-million-year-old self.

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The exact details of a theoretical modern-day T-Rex is certainly debatable. While some researchers believe the T-Rex could have grown larger and more agile, based on the little known about its evolutionary history, others believe the dinosaur could have evolved into a smaller species that could also be faster. Yet another facet worth thinking about is whether the T-Rex and other dinosaurs could have followed similar evolution patterns like humans, who might also be capable of advanced interpersonal communication and forming civilized societies of their own. Given the intelligence of the T-Rex, it seems like a fanciful notion, but not entirely impossible after millions of years.

The T-Rex might be an endangered species

If modern-day humans lived side-by-side with the T-Rex, chances are their population would be few in number. This would likely be due to the species’ inability to adapt to the changing climate. Keep in mind that the world looks much different than it did 66 million years ago when all non-bird dinosaurs on Earth went extinct. The impacts of the asteroid that hit Earth were so profound that dinosaurs like the T-Rex could not survive. Without plant-life due to reduced sunlight, herbivores died off and then created a lack of food sources for animals that are carnivores.

Overall, scientists believe that if the asteroid that decimated non-bird dinosaur species did not happen, the descendants of many of these creatures would still be alive today. These researchers point to the fact that many modern bird species evolved from dinosaurs. Nevertheless, it’s difficult to say for sure whether the T-Rex might be included. Even if the T-Rex could survive current global climate conditions, some hypothesize that it could be an endangered species due to loss of habitat and food from human activities as well as climate change fueled by some of the top causes of global warming. Among just some of the challenges a dinosaur like the T-Rex could face include colder temperatures, less atmospheric oxygen, and a significantly different food chain.

Humans would likely adapt to living with the T-Rex

Needless to say, it’s difficult to imagine a world in which people and large dinosaurs could co-exist. If this were the case though, humans and species like the T-Rex would likely find a way to live alongside each other (but hopefully not too close!) Given the size of the T-Rex and its danger to humans and vice-versa, some dinosaur enthusiasts hypothesize that some members of the species could be kept in a wildlife sanctuary of sorts, or even placed in zoos. (Hopefully this would not end up like the story of “Jurassic Park,” though.)

It’s also worth noting that despite its fierce appearance and carnivorous behaviors, humans could also pose many dangers to the T-Rex if it were still alive today, too. Some scientists believe that larger dinosaur species could survive the current climate we live in today because their bodies could easily retain heat. In a world that is cooler compared to 66 million years ago, this genetic feature could work in the T-Rex’s favor. However, the T-Rex would still have to contend with land losses, food disruptions, erratic weather patterns, and other significant changes that are likely worsened by human-fueled climate change.

Alex Koliada, PhD

By Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for studying aging, genetics, and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics. His scientific research has been published in the most reputable international magazines. Alex holds a BA in English and Comparative Literature from the University of Southern California, and a TEFL certification from The Boston Language Institute.