It’s not easy to travel with a baby. There’s a lot you need to bring and not a lot of space to pack. Air travel can also be very uncomfortable, as the noise and air pressure can lead to an irritable child. Moreover, traveling can get a lot messier if you need to change your baby’s diaper on the plane. You may expect that all types of airplanes have built-in changing stations with families in mind; unfortunately, this is not the case.
Not all airplane bathrooms include changing tables. While in this day and age, many planes do have them, it’s still not a guarantee. This could lead to unfortunate situations, especially if you are on a long flight. People have done everything from changing their babies in their assigned seats to attempting gymnastics in the tiny bathrooms. It’s rare for all airplane lavatories — front, middle, and back — to have a changing station. So, if you go into one bathroom and don’t see a changing station, don’t lose hope. Generally, the toilets in the back of the plane are more likely to have one. But if you don’t see it, ask a flight attendant.
To help this process, it’s a good idea to pack a compact diaper kit for the plane. Bring portable changing mats, plenty of wipes, and everything you might need to make cleaning your baby in a cramped space more comfortable. You may also want to avoid window seats so you can get out more easily. Besides, there are a few other benefits to choosing a different seating option that make a window seat on a plane not as great as you might think.
What to do if your airplane doesn’t have a changing table
Ideally, try to change your baby before and after your flight. If you can, head to an airport bathroom near the gate just before your plane begins boarding. Then, as soon as you land, you can change them again. After all, not stretching your legs before a flight is a rookie mistake first-time fliers often make, and what better way to do so than by taking a quick bathroom break? If you have layovers, you’ll want to make sure there’s enough time so that you can handle diaper changes, get some food for you and your baby if necessary, and board your plane without having to rush. However, all this works best for flights that are only a couple of hours long.
For longer journeys, there is no other option than to change your baby while in the air. It can be frustrating to realize your airplane doesn’t have a proper changing station. Thankfully, if this is the case, there are a few solutions. The best option is to take advantage of the airplane bathrooms. If you close the toilet lid, you can use that as a cramped but sufficient changing station. Make sure to cover any surfaces you or your baby might be touching during this process. You’ll also want to consider clothes — there are certain items you should never wear on a plane, and the same goes for your baby if you want to make diaper changes as easy and fast as possible.