APA Case Study Format Template – A Step-by-Step Guide for Writing an Effective Case Study

APA Case Study Format Template - A Step-by-Step Guide for Writing an Effective Case Study

If you’re a student or researcher, chances are you’ve come across the MLA citation style for academic papers. However, when it comes to writing a case study, the APA format is the most commonly used. This downloadable and editable template will guide you through the process of creating a professional and well-structured case study using the APA guidelines.

With this template, you can easily type your case study directly into the provided sections, saving you time and effort on formatting. Each section, from the abstract to the references, is clearly labeled and organized, making it easy for the reader to follow along with your case study.

Whether you’re writing a case study for a class assignment or as part of your research work, this template is a valuable tool. It includes all the necessary elements such as the title page, in-text citations, and references, allowing you to focus on the content of your case study without worrying about the formatting.

In addition to being downloadable and editable, this template is also printable, allowing you to have a physical copy of your case study for presentations or submission. It’s compatible with Google Docs and Microsoft Word, making it accessible for both Mac and PC users.

Using this APA case study template, you’ll be able to create a professional-looking and well-structured document that adheres to the 7th edition of the APA guidelines. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or publisher, this template is a valuable resource to have in your toolkit.

So, why struggle with formatting and citations when you can use this easy-to-use template? Download it now and start writing your case study in APA format.


APA style guidelines define how references should be formatted. The type of sources you cite, such as a book, journal article, or website, will determine the specific format you should use. For example, if you are citing a book, the format should include the author’s last name and initials, the publication year in parentheses, the title of the book in italics, the edition number (if applicable), and the publisher.

In APA 7th edition, the basic format for a book reference is:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstInitial. (Year). Title of Book (edition number). Publisher.

If you are using an MLA format, the citation style may differ. It is important to consult the appropriate guidelines to ensure accurate and consistent formatting.

There are several resources available online where you can find downloadable and editable APA case study format templates. Google Docs and other word processing programs often have templates that you can easily customize to fit your specific needs.

In addition to the references section, it is also important to include an abstract, which is a brief summary of the case study. The abstract should be written in a concise and informative manner, providing a clear overview of the study and its findings.

To cite sources within the text of your case study, you can use in-text citations. These citations include the author’s last name and the year of publication, and they are used to indicate where you found the information. In-text citations should be placed in parentheses and should be formatted according to APA guidelines.

By including a comprehensive references section in your APA case study, you provide the reader with the necessary information to verify and explore the sources you used. This not only adds credibility to your work, but it also allows others to further investigate the topic and build upon your research.

Q: How do I cite a Case Study using APA style?

In-Text Citation:

(Author(s) Last name, Year)

Reference List:

Author(s) Last name, Initials. (Year). Title of case study. In Title of Book (edition, if applicable, pp. page numbers). Publisher.

If the case study is available online, you can include a URL or a DOI at the end of the citation. In addition, if there is an abstract available, you can include a brief summary after the title of the case study.

For example:

In-Text Citation:

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(Smith, 2020)

Reference List:

Smith, J. (2020). Title of case study. In Title of Book (7th ed., pp. 123-145). Publisher. DOI or URL

Remember to include the title of the case study in sentence case (capitalize only the first word and any proper nouns), and to use hanging indentation for the reference list entry (the first line should be flush with the left margin, while the second and subsequent lines should be indented).

Using a template or downloadable files can help you easily create and format your case study citations in APA style. You can find printable templates, editable Word documents, or downloadable PDF files online, which can save you time and effort when writing your paper.

Q: How do I write an APA or MLA citation for a case study?

APA Citation:

  1. Start with the author’s last name, followed by a comma and their initials. If there is no author, start with the title of the case study.
  2. After the author’s name, include the publication year in parentheses.
  3. Next, provide the title of the case study in sentence case (capitalizing the first word and any proper nouns).
  4. Include the word “Case Study” in square brackets after the title.
  5. After the title, include the word “Retrieved from” and provide the URL or DOI of where the case study can be found.

Here is an example of an APA citation for a case study:

Smith, J. (2021). The impact of social media on consumer behavior: A case study [Case Study]. Retrieved from https://www.example.com/case-study

MLA Citation:

  1. Start with the author’s last name, followed by a comma and their first name. If there is no author, start with the title of the case study.
  2. After the author’s name, include the title of the case study in italics followed by a period.
  3. Next, provide the word “Case Study” in title case (capitalize all words except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions).
  4. Include the word “In” followed by the editor’s name (if applicable) and the title of the book or collection in italics.
  5. After the book or collection title, include the page number(s) where the case study can be found.
  6. Finish with the publisher name and year of publication.

Here is an example of an MLA citation for a case study:

Smith, John. “The Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behavior.” Case Study. The Role of Social Media in Marketing, edited by Jane Doe, 2021, pp. 45-60. Publisher.

Remember to use proper in-text citations whenever you reference information from a case study in your paper. This will allow your readers to easily locate the full citation in your references list.

How to Create a Case Study Using APA Format

To create a case study in APA format, you will need to start by typing your paper in Microsoft Word or any other word processing software and setting the document to have 1-inch margins on all sides. The font style should be Times New Roman and the font size should be 12 points.

Next, you should write a title for your case study that is flush with the left margin and in title case. This means that the first word and all major words should be capitalized. Then, you should write an abstract of your case study, which is a brief summary of the main points of your study. The abstract should be no longer than 250 words.

After the abstract, you can start writing the body of your case study. It is important to use in-text citations to properly cite any sources that you have used in your study. These citations should include the author’s last name and the year of publication. You can use the APA citation style to format your citations correctly.

At the end of your case study, you should include a references page that lists all of the sources that you have cited in your study. The references page should be formatted according to APA guidelines, with the sources listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.

To make it easy for others to read and use your case study, you can also provide links to any downloadable files or printable versions of your case study. This way, others can easily access and reference your study.

By following the APA formatting guidelines, you can create a professional and well-structured case study that will be easy to read and understand. Taking the time to properly format your case study using APA style will ensure that your work is taken seriously and is seen as credible.

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Title Page and Abstract

When it comes to writing a case study in APA format, the title page and abstract are essential components. The title page provides important information about the case study, while the abstract gives a brief summary of the key points.

To create a title page, you can use a downloadable template or design one using word processing software. The title page should include the title of the case study, the author’s name, and the affiliation or institution. This page should also include a running head at the top, which is a shortened version of the title, and a page number at the top right corner.

The abstract is a concise summary of the case study, typically around 150-250 words. It should provide a brief overview of the case, including the purpose, methodologies used, and key findings. The abstract should be written as a single paragraph and should not contain any in-text citations or references.

Following the APA 7th edition formatting guidelines, the title page and abstract should be written in Times New Roman or another readable font, using a 12-point font size. The title should be centered on the page, while the abstract should be flush left.

To cite a case study in APA format, you can use the following format: Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of case study. In Book Title (Page numbers). Publisher.

For in-text citations, you can use the author-date format, such as (Author Last Name, Year), or include the author’s name in the sentence and only include the year in parentheses. Make sure to include a reference list at the end of your paper to cite all the sources you used.

With the help of downloadable templates and formatting guidelines, you can easily create a professional-looking case study in APA style. Whether you are writing a case study for an academic assignment or for professional purposes, using APA style will ensure your work is properly formatted and cited.

Links Files

Creating links to files in an APA case study is easy to do using Google Docs. Simply upload the files to your Google Drive, and then generate a shareable link. This link can then be inserted into your case study, allowing readers to easily download and access the files.

In addition to linking files, it is also important to cite and reference any sources that were used in the case study. APA guidelines provide specific rules for formatting citations and references, including in-text citations, the use of a reference list, and the proper formatting of titles, numbers, and publishers.

The APA 7th edition also includes guidelines for creating an abstract page, which provides a brief summary of the case study. This can be useful for readers who want to quickly understand the main points and findings of the case.

By using the downloadable APA case study template provided, you can easily create a professional and well-formatted case study. The template is editable and can be customized to fit the specific requirements of your case study.

Overall, linking files in an APA case study is essential for providing readers with the necessary resources to fully analyze the case. By following the APA guidelines for citations, referencing, and formatting, you can create a comprehensive and well-designed case study that is easy to read and understand.


Where can I download the APA Case Study Format Template?

The APA Case Study Format Template can be downloaded from various sources. You can search for it on websites that provide templates and resources for academic writing, such as APAStyle.org or academic writing forums and communities. Additionally, you can create your own template based on the format guidelines provided by the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition. This allows you to customize the template to meet your specific needs and preferences.

How do I write an APA or MLA citation for a case study?

To write an APA citation for a case study, you would follow the general guidelines for citing a book chapter or an article. Include the author’s last name and initial, the publication year, the title of the case study in sentence case, the title of the book or journal in italics, the page numbers of the case study, and the location and name of the publisher or journal. For MLA citation, include the author’s name, the title of the case study in quotation marks, the title of the book or journal in italics, the publication year, the page numbers, and the publication medium.

Alex Koliada, PhD

By Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for studying aging, genetics, and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics. His scientific research has been published in the most reputable international magazines. Alex holds a BA in English and Comparative Literature from the University of Southern California, and a TEFL certification from The Boston Language Institute.